はじめに:化学系研究雑誌のImpact Factor;IF

2020年6月にCrarivateのJournal Citation Reportsより発表された各研究雑誌(ジャーナル)のインパクトファクター(Impact Factor;IF)から化学系ジャーナルを抜粋しました。

2020年6月発表のJournal Citation Reportsによるインパクトファクター(Impact Factor;IF)、掲載論文数、総引用数です。
ジャーナル名 | インパクトファクター(IF) | 総掲載論文数 | 総被引用数 |
Chemical Society Reviews | 42.846 | 183 | 150703 |
Energy & Environmental Science | 30.289 | 268 | 86899 |
Progress in Polymer Science | 22.620 | 60 | 26874 |
Nature Chemistry | 21.687 | 124 | 35223 |
Accounts of Chemical Research | 20.832 | 324 | 72738 |
Coordination Chemistry Reviews | 15.367 | 274 | 36207 |
Journal of The American Chemical Society | 14.612 | 2507 | 556233 |
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition | 12.959 | 2697 | 351229 |
ACS Catalysis | 12.350 | 1155 | 70712 |
Natural Product Reports | 12.000 | 65 | 11239 |
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C-Photochemistry Reviews | 11.952 | 22 | 4113 |
Catalysis Reviews-Science and Engineering | 11.389 | 13 | 3469 |
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry | 10.638 | 15 | 8511 |
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science | 9.922 | 103 | 15404 |
Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry | 9.801 | 381 | 18843 |
Surface Science Reports | 9.688 | 6 | 4478 |
Green Chemistry | 9.480 | 651 | 49706 |
Chemical Science | 9.346 | 1270 | 51683 |
Nano Research | 8.183 | 377 | 19099 |
ChemSusChem | 7.962 | 515 | 27554 |
Advances in Catalysis | 7.545 | 0 | 1510 |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | 7.489 | 1452 | 80900 |
Topics in Current Chemistry | 7.455 | 37 | 6313 |
Carbohydrate Polymers | 7.182 | 1208 | 79342 |
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry | 7.023 | 24 | 2319 |
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science | 6.790 | 82 | 7486 |
Analytical Chemistry | 6.785 | 2035 | 140785 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 6.710 | 1154 | 50054 |
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry | 6.513 | 474 | 19708 |
Science China-Chemistry | 6.356 | 176 | 5637 |
Progress in Solid State Chemistry | 6.353 | 9 | 2256 |
Microchimica Acta | 6.232 | 846 | 15944 |
Chemical Record | 6.163 | 138 | 3912 |
Biomacromolecules | 6.092 | 427 | 38863 |
Organic Letters | 6.091 | 2103 | 101101 |
Chemical Communications | 5.996 | 3194 | 199100 |
Analytica Chimica Acta | 5.977 | 857 | 50928 |
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis | 5.851 | 616 | 25512 |
Catalysis Today | 5.825 | 541 | 38971 |
Catalysis Science & Technology | 5.721 | 633 | 22473 |
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | 5.572 | 956 | 40425 |
Polymer Chemistry | 5.342 | 649 | 23757 |
Talanta | 5.339 | 1207 | 46776 |
Separation and Purification Reviews | 5.324 | 17 | 985 |
Journal of Molecular Liquids | 5.065 | 1959 | 33560 |
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation | 5.011 | 579 | 33459 |
Applied Catalysis A-General | 5.006 | 375 | 39423 |
Chemistry-A European Journal | 4.857 | 1839 | 100665 |
ChemCatChem | 4.853 | 686 | 18750 |
Inorganic Chemistry | 4.825 | 1794 | 96159 |
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry | 4.500 | 10 | 1841 |
ACS Chemical Neuroscience | 4.486 | 441 | 6881 |
Journal of Organic Chemistry | 4.335 | 1576 | 97162 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 4.189 | 3405 | 155280 |
Dalton Transactions | 4.174 | 1885 | 74048 |
Organometallics | 3.804 | 510 | 35680 |
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry | 2.833 | 9 | 705 |
Aldrichimica Acta | 2.818 | 6 | 567 |
Pure and Applied Chemistry | 1.919 | 144 | 14879 |
- Journal Impact Search, 調査日2020年12月12日.